SMR Reverse

SMR Reverse


SMR Reverse


  • Utvecklad modularitet – SMR var först med att hantera flera indikationer för axelproteser med ett unikt modulsystem, och dess utbud av alternativ fortsätter att utvecklas mot framtiden, vilket utökar indikationerna och förbättrar resultaten
  • Tillförlitlig fixering – SMR kan erbjuda flera fixeringsstrategier – cement, presspassning samt TT-beninväxt både på humerus och på glenoidsidan och de har alla visat sig vara tillförlitliga
  • Beprövad prestanda – Beprövade resultat gör att SMR har ett av de bredaste kliniska arven bland alla axelproteser i världen

SMR Reverse är utformad för att tillhandahålla en komplett lösning för ortopediska kirurger. Modulariteten är en av de viktigaste egenskaperna för denna plattform. SMR Reverse kan användas för alla typer av axelartroplastik, från elektiva operationer till trauma, från benbesparande primära operationer till revisionsoperationer[2-11].

The SMR Reverse was awarded with a 10A ODEP rating [1].​ SMR Reverse offers by reversing the bearing materials of a typical reverse shoulder replacement a cross-linked polyethylene glenosphere with a superior chamfer for easier implantation, while the inferior rim allows a better load distribution. Reverse liners in CoCr (cobalt chrome) alloy are available in different sizes and with pure lateralising options. A ceramic reverse liner option for allergic patients is also available.[10-13].

SMR Reverse HP is awarded with a 10A ODEP rating [1].​

[1] 10A ODEP Rating for SMR  Cemented Glenoid / Uncemented Humeral Stem. Latest ODEP Ratings can be found at​
[2]    Kirsch JM, Khan M, Thornley P, Gichuru M, Freehill MT, Neviaser A, Moravek J, Miller BS, Bedi A. Platform shoulder arthroplasty: a systematic review. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2018;27(4):756-3.​
[3]    Weber-Spickschen TS, Alfke D, Agneskirchner JD. The use of a modular system to convert an anatomical total shoulder arthroplasty to a reverse shoulder arthroplasty: Clinical and radiological results. Bone Joint J. 2015 Dec;97-B(12):1662-7​
[4]    Castagna A, Delcogliano M, de Caro F, Ziveri G, Borroni M, Gumina S, Postacchini F, De Biase CF. Conversion of shoulder arthroplasty to reverse implants: clinical and radiological results using a modular system. Int Orthop. 2013 Jul;37(7):1297-305.​
[5]    Castagna A., Randelli M., Garofalo R., Maradei L., Giardella A., Borroni M. Mid-Term results of a metalbacked glenoid component in total shoulder replacement. J Bone Joint Surg [Br], 92(10): 1410-1415, 2010​
[6]    Ross M, Hope B, Stokes A, Peters SE, McLeod I, Duke PF. Reverse shoulder arthroplasty for the treatment of three-part and four-part proximal humeral fractures in the elderly. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2014 Aug 26​
[7] Boyle MJ, Youn SM, Frampton CM, Ball CM. Functional outcomes of reverse shoulder arthroplasty compared with hemiarthroplasty for acute proximal humeral fractures. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2013 Jan;22(1):32-7.​
[8] Martinez AA. Calvo A, Bejarano C, Carbonel I, Herrera A. The use of the Lima reverse shoulder arthroplasty for the treatment of fracture sequelae of the proximal humerus. J Orthop Sci. 2012 Mar;17(2):141–7.​
[9] Young S.W., Everts N.M., Ball C.M., Astley T.M., Poon P.C. The SMR reverse shoulder prosthesis in the treatment of cuff-deficient shoulder conditions. J Shoulder Elbow Surg, 18(4): 622-626, 2009.​
[10] Poon P.C., Chou J., Young D., Malak S. F., Anderson I.A. Biomechanical evaluation of different designs of glenospheres in the SMR reverse shoulder prosthesis: micromotion of the baseplate and risk of loosening. Shoulder & Elbow, 2: 94– 99, 20100.​
[11] Bloch HR, Budassi P, Bischof A, Agneskirchner J, Domenghini C, Frattini M, Borroni M, Zoni S, Castagna A. Influence of glenosphere design and material on clinical outcomes of reverse total shoulder arthroplasty. Shoulder & Elbow 2014;6:156-64.​
[12] Merolla G, Tartarone A, Sperling JW, Paladini P, Fabbri E, Porcellini G. Early clinical and radiological outcomes of reverse shoulder arthroplasty with an eccentric all polyethylene glenosphere to treat failed hemiarthroplasty and the sequelae of proximal humeral fractures. Int Orthop. 2017;41(1):141-8.​
[13] Poon P.C., Chou J., Young D., Malak S. F., Anderson I.A. Biomechanical evaluation of different designs of glenospheres in the SMR reverse shoulder prosthesis: micromotion of the baseplate and risk of loosening. Shoulder & Elbow, 2: 94– 99, 20100.​

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