Compliance och bolagsstyrning


På Osteotec är vi dedikerade till att säkerställa att våra webbplatser, mobilapplikationer och annat digitalt innehåll är tillgängliga för alla våra kunder, inklusive de med funktionshinder.

Om du har feedback eller förslag på hur vi kan förbättra tillgängligheten till våra webbplatser, vänligen kontakta oss på Vi värdesätter din input och är engagerade i att göra ständiga förbättringar av våra webbplatser för att säkerställa att de är tillgängliga för alla.

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Statement

Welcome to our business. Connect, belong, and be part of our journey.

We are committed to continuous improvement, including furthering diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace. Our approach to DEI closely links to our company values, which include respecting diversity within all people interactions, internally and externally to the company. We value and welcome the perspective and experience of every employee, our customers, and business collaborators.

Our entire team knows that successful DEI policies, practices, and initiatives benefit everyone connected to our business. We understand the importance of being a diverse organisation, and that this helps improve outcomes for our employees, customers, business, and the wider community. We’ve set short and long-term DEI goals to demonstrate this.

Our belief in DEI will lead to a stronger culture and leadership, more engaged and inspired employees, enhance our ability to innovate and deliver better financial performance, and improve our ability to adapt.

We recognise our corporate policies around social values alone are not enough, and have started to put in place meaningful, outcome-drive activities around the topics of DEI, Sustainability in Business and Carbon Reduction.

Our statement relates to all our businesses across Osteotec in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Sweden.