As early as the 1970s, Robert Mathys, Sr. pursued the pioneering idea of developing isoelastic monoblock implants1. This idea in combination with the equatorial pressfit described by Prof. Erwin Morscher2,3 and the tribological option of a vitamin E-enriched, highly cross-linked polyethylene (VEPE)4 resulted in the unique RM Pressfit vitamys cup.
The basic philosophy based on Wolff’s law1,5, which has proven its worth over many years, convinces with excellent clinical outcomes6 – 10 and outstanding international registry data11–15.
The elasticity of the RM Pressfit vitamys cup matches that of the surrounding bone16, thus having a positive impact on the stress shielding behaviour17,25,26.
The interaction of low-wear isoelastic vitamys polyethylene (VEPE)4 with maximum wall thickness17-19 and titanium particle coating reduces the risk of osteolysis4, 7, 20–23 and preserves the surrounding bone10, 24–27 in the long term.
Mathys-typical straightforward instruments support an efficient workflow. The monobloc design of the RM Pressfit vitamys cup moreover allows minimisation of implant warehousing space despite a comprehensive size range.